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Quality and Assurance Scrutiny Panels / Reports

The Quality Assurance and Scrutiny Panel aims to:

  • be a high profile and robust mechanism to monitor, and challenge where appropriate, the effectiveness of partner agencies in delivering child protection
  • ‘call in’ individual partner agency representatives in order to review the effectiveness of specific areas of their safeguarding children practice
  • ‘call in’ multi-agency partnership representatives in order to review safeguarding practice across identified themes e.g. neglect, CSA etc

The Scrutiny Panel reports are shared with Board membership and partnership agencies, including recommendations for developments to future practice. Quarterly update reports are requested and monitored by the Quality Assurance and Performance subgroup.

Findings from partner agency attendance at Quality Assurance and Scrutiny Panel meetings will be published in OSCP's annual report and any relevant learning will be shared through Learning Lessons Workshops.


The Quality Assurance and Scrutiny Panel has a core membership consisting of OSCP's Independent Chair, who also chairs this panel, and one Partnership member. Other Partnership members participate and join the panel on a rota basis.

Quality Assurance and Scrutiny Panel terms of reference


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