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Information for parents and carers

If you or someone you know is being hurt or is very unsafe right now, you should dial 999.

If you feel that a child, you or a friend or neighbour needs extra help, please contact

the Multi-agency Referral Unit (MARU) for Cornwall on 0300 123 1116

or if you are in the Isles of Scilly ring 0300 1234 105 Option 5

They will help you to understand what is the best way to respond to your concerns

You could also get advice from the NSPCC Helpline

or call them on 0808 800 5000

Worried about an adult?

Please visit the Safeguarding Adults Board website.

If you are concerned about abuse or neglect of an adult in Cornwall, please contact Cornwall Council’s Safeguarding Adults/Access Team

  • Telephone: 0300 1234 131
  • Out of hours telephone: 0300 1234 131- Option 1 (For emergencies only)

If you are concerned about abuse or neglect of an adult in Isles of Scilly, please contact Council of the Isles of Scilly Adult Social Care department

  • Telephone 0300 1234 105 
  • Out of hours telephone: 01720 422699

The safety and welfare of children – or safeguarding – is everyone’s business.  ‘Safeguarding’ means protecting children from physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. It also means helping children to grow up into confident, healthy and happy adults.

Always Remember:

Abuse is Never The Child's Choice

and is Never The Child's Fault

What is Child Abuse?

Child abuse is intentional harm to a child by an adult or another child. This may be over a prolonged period of time or can also be a one-off action.  Child abuse may be physical, sexual or emotional - it can happen in person or online. Child abuse can also result from a lack of love, care and attention – this is called Neglect.  More information about types of abuse is available here

Parental Responsibility means all the duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which a parent has by law in relation to their child. This responsibility reduces as the child acquires sufficient understanding to make his or her own decisions.

  • Together for Families is the name for children's services run by Cornwall Council.  This includes children's community health, education and social care, more information is available here

  • On the Isles of Scilly, Children's Social Care offer a service from pre-birth to transition into adulthood, offering a broad range of support.  This can vary from early intervention/ family support, Children in Need and those at risk of significant harm, more information is available here

  • The Family Rights Group campaign for families to have their voice heard, be treated fairly and get help early to prevent problems escalating

  • Family Lives is another charity that offers a free and confidential helpline service for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life.

Cornwall's Family Information Service (FIS) is a free and impartial support service. It gives information on local services for children and young people. It is for children aged 0-19 years (up to 25 years with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, SEND). Children and their families can use this site to find childcare and things to do. 

HeadStart Kernow and Public Health Cornwall have produced a series of webinars for Parent and Carers.  Each series is focused on a particular theme. The first series came together during the pandemic to support the Emotional Health and Wellbeing of families.  Series 2 has a focus on education.  And coming soon - Series 3 looks at Best Start / Early Years while Series 4 will be about Safer Communities.

In the tabs on the left of this page you can find more information about different risks, how they may impact children and young people and where to go for more help, support and advice.


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