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Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP)

The government has said that the statutory safeguarding partners need to work together to keep children safe. 

The way in which these organisations and agencies work together is known as multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.

To do this in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly we set up OSCP who oversee the arrangements and agree the ways that everyone who is involved will work together to promote, safeguard and protect the welfare of children and young people.

OSCP Structure

    OSCP Structure 2024

    Working Together 2023 outlines new roles and responsibilities relating to our four safeguarding partners (the local authorities, the police and the health service).  The lead safeguarding partners are referred to as LSPs and each partner agency has appointed a delegated safeguarding partner (DSP) responsible for operational delivery.

    Lead Safeguarding Partners
    Russell Ashman, Chief Executive Council of the Isles of Scilly
    Jim Colwell, Acting Chief Constable Devon & Cornwall Police
    Kate Kennally, Chief Executive Cornwall Council
    Kate Shields, Chief Executive Officer NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board
    Delegated Safeguarding Partners
    Susan Bracefield, Chief Nursing Officer/Chief Operating Officer NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board
    Anne Coyle, Director of Childrens Services Council of the Isles of Scilly
    Ben Deer, Chief Superintendent - Policing Commander for Cornwall & IOS Devon & Cornwall Police
    Kate Evan-Hughes, Strategic Director - Together for Families Cornwall Council

    Ben Deer has been appointed Partnership Chair for multi-agency arrangements for this year, he will facilitate partner discussions, provide continuity, and act as a single point of contact for the partnership.  The partnership chair role will be rotated annually.

    We are working to update all of our published partnership documents ahead of the implementation of local arrangements date by December 2024.

    This is a summary of the changes outlined in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023.

    The South West Child Protection Procedures

    These procedures set out local protocols, core procedures and safeguarding practice guidance for all agencies in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly about how they are expected to provide safeguarding services.


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