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Online Safety

Spending time online is something almost every young person does. It is a great way of keeping in touch with people you know or learning things about the world around you.

The problem is that sometimes some people use the internet to bully or abuse others or trick them into doing something that causes worry, embarrassment or even puts them in danger. This can make you feel like there is nowhere to get away from the bullying.

It is not alright for people to bully you or to take advantage of you online.

Sextortion - Having your nudes shared can feel scary, and it can leave you feeling worried or even ashamed. But it’s not your fault.  Report Remove is here to help young people under 18 in the UK to confidentially report sexual images and videos of themselves and remove them from the internet – you can report images or videos anonymously. It also aims to prevent them from being uploaded on platforms.

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command) has created a new website for teenagers called 'The Internet, Relationships & You' and offers advice on socialising online, online safety, getting support and sexual content online. CEOP is a part of the National Crime Agency.

Don’t keep things to yourself – speak to someone who can help you or report it:

report abuse - ceop police button

 Here's more information from childline to help understand online abuse and how to stay safe 

Useful links:

And finally...
A True Story of Bullying and Exploitation Online, by a young person in Cornwall.

A short animated film created by a young person with Start Now Cornwall and Jon from Pirate FM 

This is the true story of one young person in Cornwall who asked us to share their story.
They wanted to help other young people stay safe online and encourage them to tell a trusted adult and ask for help.
A huge thank you to them for having the courage to share their story and for wanting to help others.


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We want to work with children and young people to develop and put in place ways for you to share your views, ensuring that your voices are heard by OSCP and that your perspective and experience is considered through all the activities of the partnership. If you would like more information or are interested in being involved in future activities do have a look here or contact us