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The government has said the police, the local councils and health services need to work together to keep children safe in all areas. The way in which these organisations and agencies work together is known as multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.

To do this in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly we set up Our Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (OSCP) who oversee the arrangements and agree the ways that everyone who is involved will work together to promote, safeguard and protect the welfare of children and young people.

It is important to OSCP that everything we do is child focussed, promotes children and young people’s rights and pays attention to the real concerns in their daily lives. 

In 2023 Children and Young People from Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly asked us to develop a unifying motto for use across OSCP about our commitment and approach towards involving them in service design and delivery.  We developed this pledge based on what they said

OSCP C&YP PledgeIf you are passionate about safeguarding children services in Cornwall, we hope to develop more opportunities for you to talk with decision makers and actively shape and influence services through events and activities like this.  We are thinking about ways for children and young people to work with the Independent Scrutineer, sharing your thoughts and experiences about how you think the system is working and helping to shape our future plans.

The following pages contain some wider information to help you know where to go for support, advice and guidance in order to feel safe and address abuse if it happens.


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Getting Involved: 

We want to work with children and young people to develop and put in place ways for you to share your views, ensuring that your voices are heard by OSCP and that your perspective and experience is considered through all the activities of the partnership. If you would like more information or are interested in being involved in future activities do have a look here or contact us