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Digital Resilience - Sexting Safeguarding Training and more!

Sexting Safeguarding Training

A two hour session supporting you to deal with safeguarding issues related to youth sexual image sharing, sometimes referred to as ‘sexting’.  The session will cover:

  • The law governing youth sexual image sharing, including official police responses to consensual image sharing between minors.
  • The problems associated with using scare tactics, including preventing disclosure and spreading inaccurate information.
  • The best way to respond to aggravated sexting incidents using the harm reduction approach.

This training is delivered as part of the Headstart Digital Resilience offer.

Dates available September 2024 - June 2025.  Book your place here

More information about online safety available on our website

NCA issues urgent warning about ‘sextortion’

The National Crime Agency has issued an alert to hundreds of thousands of education professionals following a considerable increase in global cases of financially motivated sexual extortion – a type of online blackmail widely known as ‘sextortion’.

Specialists from the NCA’s CEOP Education team have produced the alert, which was issued to teachers across the UK click here for full story.


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