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Learning Lessons Workshops

Three learning lessons workshops are scheduled annually and they provide the opportunity to learn from the experience of local or national reviews or on specific topics or themes.

Previous Workshops

Learning Lessons Workshop - Information Sharing and Seeking - 4th July 2023

The most recent Learning Lessons Workshop took place on 4th July 2023. This was our first face to face workshop for sometime. 

This workshop recognised that communication and information-sharing are often highlighted as areas for improvement in the recommendations of local child safeguarding practice reviews and it offered the opportunity to come together and explore our information sharing in Cornwall. The session aimed to improve our understanding of each others responsibilities and the law as well as reflecting on our own practice, the barriers we may experience and identifying ways to overcome these.

You can view the PowerPoint slides from the link below:

Information Seeking and Sharing 4-7-23

Concerning and Harmful Sexualised Behaviour – a workshop on language and supporting children and families in Cornwall

This online workshop was facilitated by colleagues from Gweres Kernow in collaboration with Jigsaw Post Abuse Service and offered the opportunity to explore and discuss some of the issues relating to child to child abuse that are encountered by practitioners in Cornwall including

  • How to access support and guidance when working with children who display concerning or harmful sexualised behaviour
  • The importance of language when communicating concerns and planning effective interventions
  •  the skills, knowledge and tools that can help professionals when supporting children and families

You can view the PowerPoint presentation using this link:

LLW Concerning and Harmful Sexualised Behaviour Powerpoint presentation

You can view a recording of the session below:

Part 1

Part 2

22/11/22 Putting Aside Organisational Ego

This session focussed on a video of a conversation between Professor Michael West and Dulcie McBride in which they discuss compassionate leadership and psychological safety in the context of multi-agency working.

You can view the video below.

21/6/22 Domestic Abuse in Relationships Between Young People

This was a peninsular wide event developed in partnership with colleagues from Safer Cornwall. It offered an opportunity to explore this issue in greater depth and to learn about some of the local services available to support young people with their relationships. 

Recordings of the presentations can be found below

8/3/22 Exploring the neglect of very young children from conception through to early years

The workshop including presentations from colleagues representing a range of organisations across Cornwall. The powerpoint slide deck and recordings of the presentations can be found below.

LLW Exploring the Neglect of Very Young Children 

LLW Exploring the Neglect of Very Young Children recording Part 1

LLW Exploring the Neglect of Very Young Children recording Part 2

19/10/21 Mental Health & Suicidal Ideation: when safeguarding must be more than just 'working together'

This workshop included sessions on the recommendations on the recent independent thematic review of  teenage suicide by Dr Mark Peel followed by a session on Suicide Postvention as Prevention: A Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Perspective with Lucy Walsh, Public Health, Cornwall Council and Anna Pemberton from Penhaligon's Friend looking particularly at the working being done in Cornwall to supported families experiencing bereavement after suicide. The workshop concluded with a presentation from Alison Waters, Head of Service (West), Children and Families Service, Cornwall Council on the work of the Children and Families service to support children with their mental health and emotional well-being.

The powerpoint slides from the presentation can be found below. You may also want to read the Independent Thematic Review and the 7 minute briefing which was referred to in the workshop.

Mental Health and Suicidal Ideation- when safeguarding is more than just 'working together' powerpoint presentation

15/6/21 Domestic Violence and Developmental Trauma

This workshop included a presentation on Domestic Violence and Developmental Trauma with Dr Emanuelle Davison followed by a session with Sarah Milnes and Mel Francis from Safer Futures looking at local services offered by Safer Futures, referral pathways and interventions including the Behaviour Change programme.

Domestic violence is a recurring theme in Serious Case Reviews, Rapid Reviews, and other processes when children have died or been seriously injured. It continuously features in audits of practice across all agencies, and is a current focus of the National Panel. This workshop offered the opportunity for practitioners  to explore the impact of this experience on children and their development.

In addition to the powerpoint slides and recordings of the presentations which are available below, you might also want to have a look at the 7 minute briefing on Domestic Abuse.

Domestic Abuse and Development Trauma Powerpoint Presentations

23/2/21 Involving Fathers Across the Partnership

The workshop was facilitated by Professor Brigid Featherstone, Professor of Social Work and Associate Director, Centre for Applied Childhood, Youth and Family Research, University of Huddersfield and Dr Marion Russell, Head of Service, Practice Development and Safeguarding Standards Service, Cornwall Council.

In recent years a growing body of research has evidenced the importance of fathers in the development of their children. The value of engaging positively with fathers is increasingly clear from research as are the risks of not effectively understanding the roles they can have with their children.

Learning from Rapid Reviews in Cornwall, and the research we have been involved in with the National Panel continues to identify this as an important aspect of our involvement with families across the partnership

This workshop was an opportunity for practitioners working with children and their families in Cornwall to explore the learning from research in the context of local experience and to identify effective ways of working with fathers in all organisation across the partnership.

You are welcome to download the presentation from the workshop using this link Involving Fathers Across the Partnership Presentation

A video of the presentations can be viewed here:

Involving Fathers Across the Partnership 

20/10/20 'Play Virtual, Live Real' from Sarah Smith of The Breck Foundation

A recording of the session can be seen below. Please note that towards the end of the recording a video is shared which has a 15 certification.

'Play Virtual, Live Real: spotting the signs of online grooming and exploitation'

Learning from workshops held over the last 2 years can be found here:


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