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Getting help and advice

In Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, we think that it is very important for children and young people to know what to do if they are worried about themselves, a friend or another person in the family and to be able to get help or advice.

All children have rights, no matter how old you are, your skin colour, religion or family situation. Some of these rights include a right to not be harmed by other people or used in ways that hurt you (exploited).

Here you can find advice on how to keep safe, but also what to do if you or someone you know is being harmed (sometimes known as abuse).

If you or someone you know is being hurt or is very unsafe right now, you should dial 999.

If you are worried about yourself or someone you know, you should talk to an adult you trust or ring ChildLine on 0800 1111.

If, after speaking to ChildLine, you still feel worried you can call MARU (0300 123 1116 during the day or 01208 251 300 after 5pm and at weekends).

The MARU is a team of people in Cornwall who will listen to what you are worried about. They can give you advice or make decisions about what to do to help you (or the person you are worried about) to be safe.

This illustrated guide will tell you about the purpose and principles of ‘Children’s social care’ and refers to the different kinds of support that children, young people and their families receive from their local authorities when they need extra help. Your local authority is the organisation who provides for the people in your local area, and they can support you.

Safer Futures for children and young people who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse and/or sexual violence: 0300 777 4777


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We want to work with children and young people to develop and put in place ways for you to share your views, ensuring that your voices are heard by OSCP and that your perspective and experience is considered through all the activities of the partnership. If you would like more information or are interested in being involved in future activities do have a look here or contact us