Free Training Available Externally
Our Safeguarding Children Partnership for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (OSCP) provides a variety of training courses across the partnership. We would also recommend the following externally provided training courses...
Please click the titles below to open the content for details on these free courses and booking instructions:
The ICON programme is designed to help families cope with a crying baby and prevent abusive head trauma.
Sometimes parents or carers can feel as if they are ‘on the edge’ coping with a crying baby. In some cases, this has led to a baby being shaken, hit or thrown as a means of stopping it from crying. This can lead to life threatening or fatal injuries.
So, knowing how to cope with a crying baby and that it’s OK to ask for help is a message we want to share with all parents, carers and anyone that looks after babies.
For more information please see the ICON website.
ICON training for professionals in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
This e-learning course will help you understand the ICON message and the research and evidence behind the initiative.
The course will explore abusive head trauma in babies and how you can help share the ICON key messages in your role.
The course is for anyone who supports children, families and adults as part of their role. This includes, midwives, health visitors, social workers, family support workers, family hub staff, police, childcare settings, probation staff, housing providers, education support staff, teachers, youth workers etc.
Even if your job means you don’t focus on babies this course is still valuable as a new baby may come into a family you’re supporting, you may be working with an adult caring for or helping to care for a baby, has started a new relationship with someone who has a baby etc.
To access the training please click here.
Shelter provide Introductory Level training for professionals from eligible organisations on a range of topics including homelessness, possession and eviction, housing conditions and disrepair. For more information click here.
Combating Child Exploitation
Combating CSE an e-Learning resource for health professionals
The Department of Health has developed an online e-learning package for all clinical and non-clinical healthcare staff. To access the training, please click here. The course takes approximately 30-45 minutes to complete.
For parents - Barnardo's Exceed Service offer a free 4 week online parenting support programme - you can see dates and book a place here.
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence
This Safer Cornwall training is open to staff from any organisation, free of charge and at a variety of venues across Cornwall.
There are 3 levels available:
Level 1: Half Day Basic Domestic Abuse awareness and how to respond
To provide staff who work regularly with adults, children and young people and are required to have an understanding of what domestic abuse is and how to respond.
Level 2: Full Day Domestic Abuse Awareness Course for Health professionals
Level 2: Full Day Domestic Abuse Awareness Course to professionals in Safeguarding roles
To provide staff with knowledge and skills to:
- work directly with victims of domestic abuse
- awareness of the sensitivity of issues of domestic abuse
- awareness of working with perpetrators of domestic abuse
- introduction to DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence Risk Identification, Assessment and Management Model)
Level 3: Specialist Full day courses to professionals working with victims – Domestic Abuse/DASH training
For professionals who work closely with victims of Domestic Abuse and/or have a safeguarding role.
This training is suitable for those who have a good underpinning knowledge of Domestic Abuse or who have attended our level 2 Domestic Abuse Awareness training. It includes full training in DASH.
DASV (DASH Training) dates are available to book online
We strongly recommend booking early to secure your place.
To ask any questions regarding the training, suitability and the booking process please email:
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

The Home Office has launched this free online FGM training package.
Throughout this course, we follow a young girl named Hope as she encounters the key issues relating to FGM and we see how they affect her throughout her life. The training will help a wide range of professionals to identify and assist girls who are at risk of FGM.
This course is useful for anyone who is interested in gaining an overview of FGM, particularly frontline staff in healthcare, police, border force and children’s social care.
Access the training
Additional training is available via the NHS Choices website.
Intra-familial Child Sexual Abuse
This new, short, introductory eLearning course on Identifying and responding to intra-familial child sexual abuse from the Centre for Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse is designed to help those in social work, policing, education, healthcare and beyond to recognise when children might be showing them that something is wrong and understand how to help.
The course is designed for anyone working with children to understand what intra-familial child sexual abuse is, provide guidance on how to identify concerns and build knowledge and confidence in how to respond to support both children and their wider family.
Victims and survivors of intra-familial child sexual abuse can and do recover from their abuse, especially when supported by professionals who show care and compassion, facilitate choice, control and safety, and are trained to best support them and their wider families.
The introductory course takes just 90 minutes to complete, is entirely free and consists of three engaging modules, with interactive tasks, video explainers and a final assessment. It’s designed for professionals at all stages of their career; for those new to safeguarding, or as a helpful refresher.
Gain confidence in your understanding of intra-familial child sexual abuse today – and get your certificate – using the link below.
CSA Centre e-learning

This e-learning course is introductory training and has been developed by HM Government following consultation with a range of individuals and organisations. It has benefited from the feedback of teachers, local authority officials, community based groups, youth workers and many others.
It will provide an important foundation on which to develop further knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and the role that you can play in supporting those at risk and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.
Access the training
Suicide prevention | Zero Suicide Alliance

Take the free suicide prevention training course that will teach you how to recognise the warning signs and safeguard someone that could be contemplating suicide. It will only take around 20 minutes to complete.
Access the training
If you require further information or advice about any of the above, please contact