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I have a Child Protection Plan

This page is all about Child Protection plans (sometimes called CP plans).  If you have a Child Protection plan you might have some questions or worries about what it means, so hopefully you will find some information here which will help to explain what is happening and why.  This is your page, so if you have any ideas about how to make it better we would really like you to tell us using the feedback link at the bottom of the page.

Why do some children have a child protection plan? 

Children and young people have a child protection plan when there are worries about whether they are safe or being looked after well enough. There are lots of reasons why people might be worried. Have a look at our What is Child Abuse page to understand more about this.

If you have a child protection plan there will be meetings called Conferences to talk about how to make things safer for you. Here is some information about Conferences and having a child protection plan if you are 11 years old or younger  and this is for young people 12 years and up.

Here are answers to questions that some young people have asked us.....

Will having a Child Protection plan mean I will be taken away from my family? +

No, a CP plan can’t decide that you will live somewhere else against your wishes.  If anyone thinks that you are so unsafe at home that you shouldn’t be there at all, they will have to either have your parents’ agreement, a Court Order, or the Police to make this happen.

How long will I have a Child Protection plan for? +

This depends on the types of worries people have and what needs to change to make things better for you at home.  Child Protection Conferences are the only times where decisions to end CP plans can be made.  After your first Child Protection Conference, you will have one 3 months later, then one every 6 months after that until the plan ends.  Most CP plans last 9 to 15 months, some are shorter, some are longer.  This might feel like a long time, but this is because everyone has to be really sure that things will stay better for you once your CP plan ends.

Will everyone know I have a Child Protection plan? +

CP plans are very private things.  Only the people who have to know about it will be told.  These will be people like your social worker, your teachers at school, someone like a school nurse or health visitor, and other professionals who work with you or your family.  Your friends, neighbours and other people in your community should not be told about your CP plan (unless you want certain people to know so they can help or support you), and your Children’s Rights Advocate will make sure everyone who goes to your Child Protection conference understands that.

Can I have an Advocate? +

Yes, you are entitled to have an independent Advocate who does not work for the local authority to support you, protect your rights and help you speak out things that are important to you.

Here is something to help you prepare for meetings and thinking about what is important for you.....11 years and under or 12 years and older


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Getting Involved: 

We want to work with children and young people to develop and put in place ways for you to share your views, ensuring that your voices are heard by OSCP and that your perspective and experience is considered through all the activities of the partnership. If you would like more information or are interested in being involved in future activities do have a look here or contact us