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Safeguarding children from Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic communities

Understanding race, ethnicity and culture in safeguarding practice is essential for understanding diverse experiences, addressing disproportionality, mitigating bias and stereotypes, building trust and promoting empowerment and inclusion.


The concept of intersectionality describes the ways in which systems of inequality based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class and other forms of discrimination ‘intersect’ to create unique dynamics and effects.

Working Together (2023) states that OSCP arrangements must make it clear how we understand the needs and outcomes for different communities of children at both strategic and frontline levels. Intersectionality, or how a child’s social identities such as race, sex, gender, sexual orientation and other characteristics interconnect, is important for us to consider in terms of how it may impact the daily life experiences of the child as well as influence the decision-making of practitioners.

A report from the national panel has revealed a significant silence in talking about race and racism in child safeguarding, the report is clear that "it is important that we understand the specific safeguarding needs of children from black and ethnically diverse communities and specific ethnic backgrounds and how we can all help to protect them."

Locally, we recognise how important it is that we give central consideration to racial, ethnic and cultural identity and the impact of this on the lived experience of children and families.  Intersectional thinking helps us to explore how ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality, disability, mental health or having been in care, alongside other social factors such as poverty and education shape the identities and experiences of children and families.

On a practice level it is important that OSCP learning incorporates how families’ cultural backgrounds and practices are understood and responded to by professionals, and that we be more inquiring about how cultural assumptions and biases shape how we ‘see’ and safeguard different groups of children.

In particular recent learning has highlighted the importance of

  • Dietary advice for weaning infants for people from minoritised ethnic groups
  • Access to health services and advice for different cultural backgrounds
  • Communication with non-English speaking families or where English is not the first language.

Using respectful and inclusive language is particularly important when working with diverse populations as it acknowledges and values individual differences.

Working Together (2023) reminds us that verbal and non-verbal communication should be respectful, non-blaming, clear, inclusive, and adapted to parents and carers needs. Practitioners should ensure that all materials provided to children, parents, carers, and families are jargon free, developmentally appropriate and in a format that is easily understood. Where appropriate, material provided to children, parents, carers, and families should be made accessible and translated into their first language if necessary. Professional interpreters should be provided where needed. Practitioners should not need to rely on family members or partners for interpretation services, including British Sign Language.

These principles apply to all forms of communication and is not just verbal, more information here

Do consider offering information in alternative formats and using technologies such as Recite Me from Cornwall Council.

Other Services & Resources

  • Hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race, religion or perceived religion, sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation, disability or perceived disability, and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender. 
    • Hate incidents have no place in Cornwall. If you or anyone you know, does experience a hate related incident then please encourage them to report it.  Report Hate Crime here.
  • This information from the NSPCC is helpful for anyone working or volunteering with children and young people from Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic communities.
  • SEEN have produced an approach to help support parents, professionals, and organisations in Cornwall on the journey towards anti-racism.
    • See Hear Respond is a 3 step format to help schools in setting an anti-racist vision, mission, and basic principles.  You can download a handbook to help understand the experiences of children and young people of African, Asian, and Caribbean heritage here.
  • NHS Staff can access spoken language and face to face translation services and telephone interpreting and translation/transcription services here.
  • LOTE 4 Kids is an online collection of digital children's books in over 70 languages. 
    • It allows children access to picture books that they can enjoy in LOTE (Languages Other Than English).  The collection includes over 4500 books, with new books and languages released each month.  You'll find British Sign Language versions, along with spoken languages and world sign languages.  Each book has an English translation too, and the bilingual options allow children to learn a language as they go. You'll also find related activities, such as colouring pages, for some of the stories.   Anyone can sign in with your library card here.

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