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What is Early Help?

Every family goes through challenging times at some point. Early help means working with you and your family so that small problems don’t become big problems.  Early help is for everybody, for families with children and young people of any age. And it’s your choice whether to have it or not.

Here is some more information about early help on the Isles of Scilly.

Cornwall has an Early Help Hub which is the 'front door' to Early Help services led by Cornwall Council and Cornwall Foundation Trust. The Early Help Hub looks at requests for help which can come from professionals, parents and young people themselves. 

Here is a useful resource from the Family Rights group that will give you some more information about early help.

Special educational needs and disability (SEND)

  • NHS England explains that a child or young person has special educational needs and disabilities if they have a learning difficulty and/or a disability that means they need special health and education support, we shorten this to SEND.
  • Parent Carers Cornwall is a parent carer led not for profit Community Interest Company providing advice and support to parent carers of children and young people with SEND.
  • In particular they have just launched their Neurodiversity Hub it aligns to the Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly Neurodevelopmental Profiling Tool, but it can be used by everyone. The contributors to the content of the profiling sections are varied and include those with lived experience and professionals working with neurodivergent children and young people.
  • Information about the the Isles of Scilly Local Offer is available here.
  • Cornwall Council provide the Family Information Service (FIS) it is a free and impartial support service. It gives information on local services for children and young people. It is for children aged 0-19 years (up to 25 years with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, SEND). Children and their families can use this site to find childcare and things to do. 


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