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Multi-Agency Referral Unit (MARU)

Professional information resource: MARU masterclass presentation

Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about the safety of a child or young person, it is appropriate for you to contact the MARU advice line (0300 123 1116) to discuss your concerns. This advice applies to all children and young people, irrespective of whether they are living at home with their families, with carers or away from home. You will be able to talk to a Social Worker who can advise whether:

  • The concern is significant and meets the threshold for the completion of a referral form to provide additional detail to the MARU team. (The MARU team always need a completed referral form, though they may initiate a response if the situation is urgent)
  • The concern does not meet the threshold for a MARU referral but will be signposted to the Early Help Hub (EHH) to identify appropriate support routes for the family, with their consent.
  • The concern does not meet the threshold indicating further action is required at this stage; however, should you have further concerns you should feel free to ask for advice again.

If you have concerns about a child or young person who is already known to Social Care (an ‘open case’), you should refer to the relevant Social Worker in the first instance.
If you want to understand more about how concerns are considered and responded to by MARU or the EHH, you can visit the teams on open days.

To make a referral to the MARU please use the Cornwall Council Inter-Agency Referral Form


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