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Community and Voluntary Sector partner organisations

OSCP values the contribution that partner voluntary and community sector organisations make to safeguarding in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum

- the voice of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.


- is a local Cornish charity which has been developing steadily over the last 15 years. Begun by a group of young people in care and one worker, the organisation is now county wide, in touch with all the young people in and leaving the care of Cornwall Council and delivering services to over 50% of this group.

Our theory of change centres on enabling young people in and leaving care improve their skills in making friends and being part of positive communities. We work with young people aged 11-25. Specific services for young people in and leaving care include a Personal Advisor service for young people leaving care, Youth and Community programmes for 11-17 year olds and young people who are 16+ and participation programmes that ensure young people's voices inform and improve the services they receive. Young people's lived experience informs all of our work and at least 30% of staff are themselves care experienced.


- Young Parents Project was started in 1992 by a group of young parents. Since then we have reached over 13,000 people; young mums, dads and babies. We want young parents and their children to be healthy, happy and safe, with better futures.

We provide a whole-family service, working with families to create a positive start to family life. Young parents work with us to plan and achieve positive change in their own families, and with other young parents. We work closely with social care, early help, health, education, voluntary and creative partners.

WILD is a national award-winning charity, including the Queen's Award for voluntary service, the Guardian Charity Award, Kings Fund GSK Impact Award, and Youth Music Innovation Award. Our work is based on national and local research, evidence-based practice, and 28 years' experience of working with young parent families.

Video link: About the work of WILD


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