Our response to Working Together 2023 - Staff Roadshows and CYP&F Consultation
Autumn Roadshows
The government has said the police, the local councils and health services need to work together to keep children safe in all areas. To do this in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly we set up Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) who oversee the arrangements and agree the ways that everyone who is involved will work together to promote, safeguard and protect the welfare of children and young people.
Working Together 2023 is the guidance that tells us how we should do this.
In October, we will be delivering a series of in-person and virtual roadshows to provide all staff working with children, young people and families with an opportunity to meet and hear updates about what we are doing in Cornwall and the IOS to respond to the Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 guidance.
Sessions will include
- The Structure and Governance of OSCP – who are our LSPs and DSPs?
- Partnership Working – who are the named ‘relevant agencies’?
- Independent Scrutiny – how we will know our multi-agency arrangements are effective?
- Rapid Reviews, Learning from Experience and Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews – when and how these are delivered
- Learning from Reviews and multi-agency audits – how the OSCP learning and development offer will support front line practice
To book your place please click here
We have also been consulting with children, young people and their families and carers
Working Together 2023 is clear that we must ensure that the voice of children and families is at the heart of our arrangements.
We recently carried out a survey with young people, their carers and families about how we seek and respond to feedback, their experiences of services and how we ensure children from different communities and groups can access the help and protection they need.
The findings have positively confirmed that we should continue with our current engagement and participation approach and given us some ideas about how to develop these opportunities further.
Some examples are…
Current variety of approaches to engagement and participation.
Rolling programmes of place based, accessible workshops and engagement activities.
Exploring how C&YP will carry out ongoing quality assurance & scrutiny activities alongside the Independent Scrutineer
Joined up, reflective conversations to analyse and make best use of all sources of existing feedback.
Awareness raising / media materials, attending more public, community events and extending OSCP profile further.
Consider how we develop a social media presence.
Allowing learning from participation and engagement work to inform whole system multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.
Feeding back to all children and young people and family groups about the extent of their influence and the impact they have had.
In related activity, last year Children and Young People from Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly asked us to develop a unifying motto for use across OSCP about our commitment and approach towards involving them in service design and delivery.
We developed this pledge based on what they said…
For more information about how to get involved click here.