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New! Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Training for Practitioners

 The OSCP scrutiny panel, in its latest thematic review of Neglect (January 2022), identified that there was still work needed and that “organisations need to consider how a preventative response (to neglect) can be introduced with the ability to intervene at the earliest opportunity.”

To that end, the Graded Care Profile Two (GCP2) is being rolled out across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in order to support professionals with tools to help them work collaboratively with families to identify neglect and help them on their journey to improve the care of their children.

Watch the GCP2 intro video here

GCP2 is an evidence-based assessment tool. It helps practitioners measure the quality of care provided by a parent or carer in meeting their child’s needs, particularly where there are concerns about neglect.  Using GCP2 will increase practitioner’s confidence in decision-making at all levels and support a constructive working relationship with families. With the GCP2 assessment tool, professionals work alongside families to score aspects of family life on a scale of one to five. This joint assessment helps identify areas where the level of care children receive could be significantly improved.

OSCP is providing GCP2 training (bookable here) in order to support practitioners from across the partnership to use the tool and to ensure that all relevant staff are trained.

Currently, there are spaces on courses in March, May and July 2025 and you can also add your name to a wait list in case spaces become available sooner 

Please take the opportunity to book onto these multi-agency courses which are filling up fast! The tool can be used by social workers, family support workers, teachers, home/school link workers, health staff, police, youth workers, colleagues working in the voluntary sector, early years providers and other child-care providers.

This is a 1-day training course which will equip you, or your staff members, to use this licensed tool to work effectively with multi-agency colleagues and which supports decision-making.

Note: This is a licensed tool and it can only be used by those who have completed the training and an assessment to demonstrate their understanding. Participants will need to ensure that they are able to attend the whole day of training.



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