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CIoS SAB Self-Neglect and Hoarding Policy Launch October 2024:

The integrated health safeguarding services, safeguarding adult board colleagues and partner agencies held sessions in October 2024 to discuss the newly updated joint self-neglect and hoarding policy.

Self-neglect remains one of the main safeguarding themes seen nationally as well as locally, it is vital people struggling to manage their care and support needs and tasks of daily living get the support they need from the services best placed to help them.

The policy can be found here and there is a handy bite size guide here.

During the sessions feedback from practitioners was the need to develop the risk assessment management tool to an editable and accessible document, which can be found here Risk Assessment

The sessions were delivered by representatives from CFT/RCHT and SAB and were looking at some of the patient/service user stories that have led to the update and think about how the new risk assessment tool can be practically applied when there are concerns around self-neglect. The sessions were very well received with over 100 attendees on each session. A copy of the presentation slides are here: Self-neglect policy launch slides

Safeguarding in the local context of Substance use services 

Kim Hager has delivered an hour session on behalf of the SAB in response to the SAR recommendation on substance misuse providers working effectively together; to include the local context detail of drugs/alcohol treatment services, local processes, legal literacy aspects and engagement in reflective challenging conversations with practitioners and services involved in the assessment planning, when risks arise from substance use. 

Video Link:


Safeguarding Threshold Animation Video

CIoS SAB Learning and Development subgroup have produced a ‘Safeguarding Thresholds’ animation video as a resource to raise awareness of appropriate risk management and escalation pathways for public and professionals.

This video seeks to support practitioners, partners, providers and public, working within the adult sector, to report and respond to concerns at the appropriate level and to have a consistency of approach across agencies. This guidance is not a substitute for professional judgement but should be used to assist and inform professional decision-making. There is further guidance in the Adult Safeguarding Threshold Guidance refreshed in 2023 Animation Threshold video - Ralph

National Safeguarding Adult Week Awareness Sessions: 

20th November 2023: Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust (RCHT) and Cornwall Foundation NHS Trust (CFT) colleagues presented the following sessions:

Susan: what her life has taught us - an exploration of early learning from the case of 'Susan', a case study based on learning from a local Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) referral. Susan's learning disability and health conditions meant that she was reliant on one family carer to meet her needs.

Safeguarding Community of Practice - Introduction to National Safeguarding week, Information Sharing, a summary explanation of housing and topics for 2024.

22nd November 2023: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board (CIoS SAB) and Cornwall Council Adult Social Care colleagues delivered two in-person sessions to raise awareness of safeguarding thresholds, referral pathways, CIoS SAB and learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews.

Safeguarding Thresholds and referral pathway Presentation slides

SAB Introduction and SAR's Presentation slides

23rd November 2023, Bespoke Carers and emergency service workshop:

Cornwall and Devon Police, Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS), South West Ambulance service (SWAST) and Cornwall Rural Carers Charity (CRCC) colleagues supported the delivery of  this workshop through our Learning and Development Subgroup. Carers bespoke emergency service workshop session as a recorded resource for emergency service frontline professionals. The workshop was developed as a bespoke recorded resource for emergency service frontline professionals to share learning from the SAB Carers conference 2023 and thematic carers Safeguarding Adult Review and in acknowledgement for National Safeguarding week and Carers Rights day 2023.  Bespoke Carers and Emergency Services Session 2023

24th November, 2023: Cornwall Council and Cornwall Fire and Rescue colleagues delivered a Hoarding Awareness Session.

The SAB L&D members and previous conference feedback identified hoarding as an area of interest. Cornwall Council Housing and Fire colleagues have co-delivered a session below to raise awareness of hoarding and signposting to the protocol and support: Hoarding Awareness Session 2023

During this week of activity, we also support Safer Cornwall's promotion of the national 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, which ran from 25th November to 10th December 2023.

Exploitation (Lunch & Learn)

Exploitation is the deliberate maltreatment, manipulation or abuse of power and control over another person. It is taking advantage of another person or situation usually, but not always, for personal gain.

This webinar is open to frontline professionals and aims to raise awareness of exploitation of adults and will:

  • Provide an introduction to exploitation; what to look for and what to do.
  • Explore examples of exploitation further by considering a case study 
  • Explain MACE panel process and 'disruption' activity

Delegates will have access to national and local figures; and the current theory and tools informing the current approach. 

Video Link:


CIoS SAB Exploitation Workshop

Making Safeguarding Personal Lunch and Learn

Domestic Abuse, Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences - Older People Focus (March 2022)


Lily video (Themes - Domestic abuse, older people, dementia, coercion and control, carer burnout)

This video was commissioned as part of the 2021 Domestic Abuse and Older People conference and has been made available as a development tool for our partners to use with their staff in recognising and responding to signs of domestic abuse. The story depicts events in the life of ‘Lily’, a fictional character but drawn from case studies and experts by experience, performed by the Miracle Theatre Company.

It highlights themes of domestic abuse in older adults, the impacts of dementia, signs of domestic abuse and coercion and control and carer burnout. You can also watch the panel discussion where professionals across various agencies discuss what stood out to them.

Video Here

Dual Diagnosis (August 2021) - Thanks to the Joint Commissioning Systems Optimisation Group (JCSOG) and Phil Harris for permission to share a recording of the session on Dual Diagnosis, exploring the complexities of drug and alcohols use by people experiencing poor mental health. 

Mental Capacity Act 2005 Slide presentation (2021)


Self-neglect Lunch and Learn slide presentation and bitesize guide

Hoarding Fire and Rescue Service slide presentation, bitesize guide and clutter scale  


Self-neglect policy and best practice guidance Bitesize guidepolicy  slide presentation 


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