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CIoS SAB Subgroups

To manage our work effectively, we have various subgroups who lead on activity on behalf of the board. Each subgroup has an appointed chair, supporting member of the core team and clear terms of reference that are reviewed periodically.

The membership of subgroups is made up of partner representatives and can draw in wider expertise

from partner agencies and communities of interest that are not members of the SAB. 

2023-24 Subgroup structure

Executive Group - Terms of Reference 

The Executive group is a point of escalation and has delegated decision-making functions on behalf of the wider partnership. Membership consists of the Independent Chair, Business Manager, statutory partner representatives and subgroup Chairs.

Members have responsibility for ensuring progression of the SAB priorities and provide an additional level of scrutiny and support. The Executive group are responsible for monitoring the performance of all CIoS sub-groups in relation to their agreed business plans. Chairs will routinely report on subgroup activity and progress and make formal requests for escalation and support.

The group also holds overall responsibility for the development, ratification and review of SAB duties and governance functions, including:
- drafting the SAB Strategic Pan with recommendations for strategic priorities each year for approval;
- drafting SAB Annual Report and taking this through agreed scrutiny pathways
- oversight and management of SAB Risk Register and budget decisions
- ratification, review and development of SAB multi-agency policies, procedures, guidance and resources.

Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) Subgroup - Terms of Reference

The Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Subgroup leads in discharging SAB duties related to SARs under the Care Act 2014. A SAR is carried out when an adult at risk dies or has experienced serious neglect or abuse, and there is a concern that agencies could have worked more effectively to protect the adult. This is a multi-agency learning process that aims to identify and promote good practice, encourage effective learning and make recommendations for future practice so that deaths or serious harm can be prevented from happening again. 

This group leads Safeguarding Adult Review processes, identifying learning, making recommendations and reporting on SAR activity.  Members will also consider how learning from other national and regional review processes should inform and improve local practice e.g. from national SARs and Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs).

Learning And Development (L&D) Subgroup - Terms of Reference

The purpose of the Learning and Development Subgroup is to develop, implement, review and update the multi-agency learning and development strategies that ensures keys messages are disseminated and partners are supported to implement learning into practice. The aim of this Strategy is to provide an effective, coordinated approach to learning in order to support all agencies to prevent abuse and respond to safeguarding concerns with timely, proportionate and appropriate action.

The group also leads the work related to seeking assurance, competencies and professional development in safeguarding practice. The group agrees and delivers a programme that includes an annual conference, training delivery and evaluation and providing assurance of what individual agencies are doing to ensure staff are able to recognise and respond to risk appropriately. 

Quality Assurance (QA) Subgroup - Terms of Reference

The Quality Assurance Subgroup oversees performance of adult safeguarding activity in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, highlighting the effectiveness and risks of key processes and practices. The group will scrutinise partnership data and information to identify themes, action plan against SAR recommendations and seeking assurance that good practice to safeguard vulnerable adults is delivered consistently by partner agencies. Areas of concern and for improvement will be identified and strategies developed to make improvements when the need arises.

Tri-Partnership subgroups shared with Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) and Safer Cornwall

Communication and Engagement (C&E) Subgroup - Terms of Reference

This is shared subgroup working across SAB, Our Children’s Partnership Board (OSCP) and Safer Cornwall Partnership Board. The purpose of the group is to plan and ensure good communications and engagement methods are developed concerning safeguarding across the county. Shared themes will also be identified, with targeted communications and engagement will take place to reduce duplication. Shared events will also be planned to widen the understanding of safeguarding across all age groups.

The aim of this subgroup is ensure that adult safeguarding is being communicated widely and appropriately and that good engagement based on Making Safeguarding Personal is happening on all levels.  

Missing and Exploitation Group (MEG) - Terms of reference

The purpose of this shared group across children and young people up to the age of 25 years is to develop strategies to minimize exploitation of young people in Cornwall. Early identification of the types of exploitation and where it might be happening is key to targeting resources to reduce exploitation opportunities.

The aims of this joint subgroup is to understand and protect children, young people and adults from the risk of exploitation, including sexual and criminal exploitation and considerations around coercion and control. 


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