SAB Contact information
The work of the CIoS SAB is overseen by an Independent Chair; Fiona Field.
Partnership work is led and supported by a core team:
- Business Manager - Vacant
- Safeguarding Adults Review and Development Manager - Martin Bassett
- Administrator - Sarah Elsby
- Project Support Coordinator - Lynsey Newnham-Johns
If you wish to speak to a member of the team, please email
If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact Cornwall Council’s dedicated safeguarding teams:
Safeguarding Adults/Access Team
Telephone: 0300 1234 131
Out of hours telephone: 0300 1234 131- Option 1 (For emergencies only)
To make a safeguarding referral, access the form here: Portal Form or scan this QR code with any smart device:

What if I have safeguarding concerns about an adult on the Isles of Scilly?

Contact the Council of the Isles of Scilly Adult Social Care department on 0300 1234 105 or if out of hours, on 01720 422699.
Safeguarding Children
Telephone: 0300 1231 116
Out of hours telephone: 0300 1234 100
The out of hour’s service runs from Monday to Thursday 5.15pm (4.45pm on Fridays) until 8.45am weekdays and for 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday.
Website: Safeguarding Children website