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CIoS SAB delivered and commissioned training

Here you can find a list of the most recent training offers being delivered or commissioned on behalf of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Adults Safeguarding Board (CIoS SAB) and local partnerships.

Our training is available to our multi-agency partners to support the development of staff and safeguarding practice across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Click on the links to learn more about the sessions currently available. 

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board (CIoS SAB) Training offer

Safeguarding in the local context of Substance use services - join us on Friday, 28th June at 9:30 - 10:30am when Kim Hager will be delivering an hour session on behalf of the SAB in response to the SAR recommendation on substance misuse providers working effectively together; to include the local context detail of drugs/alcohol treatment services, local processes, legal literacy aspects and engagement in reflective challenging conversations with practitioners and services involved in the assessment planning, when risks arise from substance use. Contact or virtual link here Join the meeting now

Susan: what her life has taught us - Join us to explore early learning from the case of 'Susan', a case study based on learning from a local Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) referral. Susan's learning disability and health conditions meant that she was reliant on one family carer to meet her needs. Booking information available here.

Advanced Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Course (Three day) - a programme that will enable practitioners to confidently use, advocate and support others to apply the Mental Capacity Act (MCA, 2005) in practice. Booking information available here.

Raising awareness of Safeguarding thresholds, the referral pathway and Safeguarding Adult Review themes. This first part of this session covers the new referral portal, good risk management and safety planning, safeguarding thresholds and what makes a good safeguarding adult referral. The second part covers the role and remit of Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs), common themes and learning and what practitioners might expect if they are involved in a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR). This session will be delivered again in person in April/May 2024 - for more information, contact 

Safeguarding Training - CLEAR and Volunteer Cornwall deliver Safeguarding training and more - links are below:

Our Courses - CLEAR (

Training Courses - Volunteer Cornwall  or email 

Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) - training offer and booking links -

Safer Cornwall Drugs and Alcohol Team (DAAT) - Complex Lives, Multiple Vulnerabilities Training Programme training offer and booking link -

Safer Futures Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Early Intervention Training for Professionals


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