Strategic Plan and Annual Reports
Safeguarding Adults Boards have a duty in the Care Act 2014 to publish a Strategic Plan which sets out how to achieve their objectives and how their member and partner agencies will contribute to this plan.
Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board have agreed 3 year priorities to enable longer term pieces of work. We are currently working to a 2024-2027 Strategic Plan.

We also have a duty to publish an annual report that details what the partnership and partner agencies have done during that year to achieve SAB objectives and implement its strategy.
Annual reports will also include the findings of local Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) which have been agreed, progressed and concluded in that year and what has been done to implement findings and recommendations.
Find out more about the work of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board in the reports below.
Annual Report 2023/2024
Annual Report 2022/2023
Annual Report 2021/2022
Annual Report 2020/2021