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2022: Ask, Listen, Act - Tri-partnership Conference

SAB, Safer Cornwall, OSCP Logo

12th July 2022: Ask, Listen, Act - A Tri-Partnership Event hosted by the Safeguarding Adults Board for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Safer Cornwall and Our Safeguarding Children Partnership for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

The Tri-Partnership Event focused on working collaboratively and in partnership with individuals who access services and reflects a shared commitment to ensuring that the voices of adults and children are sought, heard and acted upon in the planning, commissioning and evaluation of services.

Tri-Partnership Ask, Listen, Act Introduction

What is transformative coproduction? Mary Greener

Film- “Dare I Say It”

Co-production, putting principles into practice

Dr Trish Hafford-Letchfield & Dr Beth Bareham Presentation Slides

Commissioners and providers - Local practice and learning

a) Accessing mental health support – our approach to engagement

Jody Wilson, presented by Stuart Cohen Presentation Slides

b) Mental Health Strategy, coproduction and self-assessment

Stuart Cohen/Richard Sharpe Presentation Slides

c) Covid Recovery Fund – Programme Learning

Dulce McBride/Helen Neal Presentation Slides

d) Working in partnership – Community & Voluntary Mental Health and coproduction

Louise Knox/Jerry Padfield Presentation Slides

Ask, Listen, Act– theatre production Experts by experience

Adopting a Trauma Informed Care (TIC) approach to improve relationships in practice

Dr Eavan Owens/ John Slater


How can coproduction be more trauma-informed – Learning from the Bridging gaps project

Dr Michelle Farr

Working in partnership with young people – Transition from children to adult services

Celia Davis/Dawn Froggatt

The lost voices of babies, children and fathers

Jo Davies & Wendy Shallcross

Celebrating local collaborative practice during the pandemic: Housing

Melanie Brain

A mothers letter


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