High Risk Behaviour multi-agency Policy and Panel Referral Form
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board produced a multi-agency High Risk Behaviour Policy in relation to self-neglect in consultation with Safer Cornwall. The policy was developed as a multi-agency framework of support and escalation related to complex and high risk behaviours in response to learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews and other local reviews. The High Risk Behavior Policy complements the multi-agency Self-Neglect Policy and best practice guidance and Hoarding Protocol. The Policy is currently under review to ensure it remains fit for purpose and will be refreshed in 2024-25.
The High-Risk Behaviour Panel (HRBP) is an operational group that operates as part of a framework to facilitate effective working with adults who are exhibiting high risk behaviour and/or self-neglect. The panel does not sit under SAB governance but is multi-agency in that it is not owned by any specific organisation. It offers practitioners a reflective space for consultation, reconciliation, problem solving and agreement in cases where the levels of risk raise concerns and may make recommendations that require alternative resources/ further financial commitments and may seek to reverse previous decisions.
Professionals who want to make a referral to the panel should review the policy and ensure they have taken the appropriate steps detailed in section F: The Referral Process. Referrals are made by completing and emailing the High Risk Behaviour Referral Form to Highriskbehaviourpanel.referrals@cornwall.gov.uk
The referral will undergo a screening process prior to review at a HRBP meeting and referrers will be asked to attend to present the case. These currently take place fortnightly via Microsoft Teams.