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Advanced Mental Capacity Act Train the Trainer

Advanced Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Train the Trainer Course (Three day)

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board (CIoS SAB) has commissioned a two year programme that will enable practitioners to confidently use, advocate and support others to apply the Mental Capacity Act (MCA, 2005) in practice. Please note that delegates must be available to attend all three days for their cohort.

The course is being delivery by Making Connections and is structured as train the trainer to support delegates to share learning within their agencies. Any requirement to support delivery of formal or informal sessions will be determined within each agency and should be discussed with your line manager prior to application. Manager commitment and support for attendance is required for a place to be allocated.

To request a place, please complete the MCA TTT Commitment Form and return to

2024 cohort dates:

Cohort 1: January 22nd - 24th (Mon-Wed) face to face - Truro

Cohort 2: March 20th - 22nd (Weds - Fri) Virtual by Teams (*FULLY BOOKED*)

Cohort 3: April 29th - May 1st (Mon - Wed) Virtual by Teams (*FULLY BOOKED)

Cohort 5: June 24th - 26th (Mon - Wed)  Virtual by Teams

Cohort 6: September 30th - 2nd October (Mon - Wed) New County Hall, Truro TR1 3AY

Cohort 4: Oct 21st - 23rd (Mon - Weds) Virtual by Team (New dates) 

Cohort 7: Nov 27th - 29th (Weds - Fri) Virtual by Teams

2025 cohort dates:

Cohort 8: January 20th - 22nd (Mon-Weds) Virtual by Teams

Cohort 9: March 5th - 7th (Weds - Fri) Virtual by Teams

Cohort 10: March 31st - April 2nd (Mon-Weds) In person Venue to be confirmed

Cohort 11: May 12th - 14th (Mon-Weds) Virtual by Teams

Cohort 12: June 11th-13th (Weds - Fri) Virtual by Teams

Cohort 13: July 7th-9th (Mon-Weds) Virtual by Teams

Cohort 14: September 15th - 17th (Mon-Weds) In person Venue to be confirmed

Cohort 15: October 15th - 17th (Weds-Fri) Virtual by Teams

Cohort 16: November 24th - 26th (Mon-Weds) Virtual by Teams


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