Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Children Partnership

Online Safety

On-Line Safety

As a parent or carer, you can play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online.  

The UK Safer Internet Centre provides online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.

This website from CEOP runs an education programme which provides training, resources and information for children and young people aged 4 - 18, their families and professionals who work with them.  They provide advice if you have concerns about your child, how to report an incident and further information about keeping your child safe.

Talking to your child about online sexual harassment: A guide for parents from the Children's Commissioner The things I wish my parents had known

Childnet is a UK-based charity who empower children, young people, and those who support them in their online lives.

  • More information for young people is available here

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