Domestic abuse and sexual violence - safety tips and access to support
Safety tips
Safer Cornwall share safety tips for people living with domestic abuse on their Facebook page. Follow the links below to find out more about how you can protect yourself and access services for support.
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence – Preparation increases safety - Tips and advice on staying safe at home, for people living with their abuser.
Get Up & Go Bag - Tips and advice on how to prepare a “Get Up & Go Bag”, to assist in fleeing abuse if it is escalating.
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence safety, if abuse escalates - Tips for when abuse escalates for people living with their abusers.
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence - Keep a Journal and give yourself options
How to clear your browsing history
Access to support
Beyond the immediate physical and emotional harm caused, domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV) and violence against women and girls (VAWG) have far-reaching and long-lasting impacts on adults and children. Ending domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women and girls are shared priorities with Safer Cornwall and Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP).
Safer Cornwall lead in implementing the shared DASV and VAWG strategies. Further information, guidance and support service details are available on the Safer Cornwall website

There are also national helplines that offer 24 hour support