Who we are, what we do
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board (CIoS SAB)
An introduction from the CIoS SAB Independent Chair; Fiona Field
Safeguarding Adults Boards are responsible for ensuring agencies work together effectively to protect adults from abuse and neglect and supporting people who have experienced or are at risk of abuse. Each local authority area has a SAB and we jointly cover Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
SABs have three duties under the Care Act 2014:
- to develop and publish a Strategic Plan which sets out how to achieve their objectives and how their member and partner agencies will contribute to this plan
- to publish an annual report detailing the learning and activity of the previous year
- to undertake Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) where the criteria is met to learn how we can improve safeguarding practice
The Safeguarding Adults Board is chaired by an Independent Chair, Fiona Field and supported by a core team that includes a Business Manager, Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) lead, Project Support Coordinator and Administration support.
Statutory membership
Statutory partners defined in the Care Act 2014 as Local Authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups and Police. The Health and Care Act 2022 received Royal Assent in 2022 and with effect from July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups were disbanded with the establishment of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs).
The statutory partners are:
- Cornwall Council

- Board member - Strategic Director (Adult Social Care)
- Website: Cornwall Council
- Cornwall and Devon Police

- Superintendent Local Policing and Partnerships Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Devon and Cornwall Police Bodmin
- Website: Devon and Cornwall Police
Other members of the Board
The wider membership is made up of local partners who have specific responsibilities or contribute to the effective protection of adults with care and support needs in the area. Our other partners include health and social care providers, Healthwatch, emergency services, housing services, probation and prison links, education providers for adults, private/independent and voluntary providers and representatives of community and voluntary groups who capture the voices of adults, carers and their families.
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service, Office of Police and Crime Commissioner, Healthwatch, Children's Services, DDC Community Rehabilitation Company, Probation Services, Public Health, South West Ambulance Service Trust, Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust, Cornwall Partnership Foundation Trust, NHS England, NHS Plymouth, Plymouth Hospital, Housing Commissioner, Cornwall College Group, Falmouth and Exeter University, Care Quality Commission, Independent Providers, Carer's Representative.
Our work is supported by locally agreed policies and guidance
Joining the Board
In 2022, SAB agreed a process for local agencies to express an interest in joining the Board and/or it's subgroups to contribute to activity and support the implementation of learning across services in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
If you have an interest in being involved in SAB activity, please review the Membership application management process and submit an application to the Independent Chair at safeguardingadultsboard@cornwall.gov.uk