Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool

Brook’s nationally recognised Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool training provides a highly visible, multi-agency response that helps professionals to identify, understand and respond appropriately to sexual behaviours in young people.

The tool and accompanying training provide professionals within and across organisations with a framework for identifying whether behaviour is part of healthy development or if it is a cause for concern.

The tool was originally developed by the Australian organisation True Relationships & Reproductive Health and was adapted for use in the UK by Brook.

The training equips professionals to make consistent and informed decisions that neither pathologises nor criminalises young people. Participants will be trained to have robust and meaningful conversations around harmful sexual behaviour that causes concern.

Participants will be able to:

The training equips professionals to make consistent and informed decisions that neither pathologize nor criminalise young people. Participants will be trained to have robust and meaningful conversations around harmful sexual behaviour that causes concern.

There are currently no dates for this event.